3 Best Cabinet Incubators TESTED for 2023

best cabinet incubator

We can now incubate eggs without a chicken, thanks to technology that has allowed us to create artificial incubators. This is a safe way of keeping eggs until they are ready to hatch.

Those who raise birds know the importance of providing the eggs with proper conditions to develop. 

Incubators perform two primary tasks: turning the eggs and maintaining an appropriate temperature.

In this article, we will discuss the 3 best cabinet incubators for taking your eggs from laid to hatched! 

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Our Top Picks

  Product Details    
Digital Sportsman Cabinet Incubator Best Overall – Digital Sportsman Cabinet Incubator A durable incubator for a large number of eggs. Check Price
KEBONNIXS-12-Egg-Incubator Best for Automatic Rotation – KEBONNIXS 12 Egg Incubator A convenient incubator with effective egg-turning capabilities Check Price
CREWORKS-Digital-Egg-Incubator Best Multi-Use Incubator – CREWORKS Digital Egg Incubator An incubator that is perfect for a myriad of eggs including reptiles, chickens, and turkeys. Check Price

1. Best Overall – Digital Sportsman Cabinet Incubator

Product Ratings

Affordability 2/5
Serves Purpose 5/5
Ease of Use 5/5
Features 4/5

What We Liked

  • Great Size
  • Great Temperature Control
  • Easy to Assemble

What We Didn’t Like

  • Hard to Clean
  • The turning feature is a bit unreliable

This digital incubator has been equipped with an incubator and a hatcher.

One bottom tray serves as a hatching area, and the other two are used to turn the eggs during incubation.

This incubator was constructed from plastic solid board material which makes it less noisy, better insulated, and easier to maintain.

If you’re just getting started in farming and have a small flock, this would be the best option for you.

Key features:

  • This type of incubator allows eggs to be rotated electronically or mechanically.
  • The LCD screen displays the current temperature and humidity of the incubator.
  • The rotation of three egg trays can be programmed into the incubator, allowing eggs from each tray to be transferred to the hatching tray in a single pass.
  • The computer can help monitor and regulate the environment and provide updated information.
  • The incubator is ideal for breeding many species and can be used as a quail incubator, chicken incubator, and turkey incubator.

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2. Best for Automatic RotationKEBONNIXS 12 Egg Incubator


Product Ratings

Affordability 4/5
Serves Purpose 4/5
Ease of Use 4/5
Unique Design 3/5

What We Liked

  • Built-in Egg Candler
  • Great Egg Turner
  • Perfect for observation

What We Didn’t Like

  • Humidity control is a bit unreliable
  • Can get crowded on hatching day

The KEBONNIXS 12 Egg Incubator is a high-quality product made by a company with an excellent reputation.

The cabinet incubator has a thermostat that is both reliable and precise, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking for an incubator.

The onboard computer makes it easy to keep track of the temperature and humidity levels and can be viewed on an LCD screen, so you can ensure that your eggs are developing correctly.

The bottom of the incubator has a hatching tray and 3 trays that revolve on their own.

To “put the eggs to bed,” take the tray from its hiding place and lay it atop the rotating rack.

The incubator can be programmed to remove one egg from each tray at a time during hatching by rotating all 3 trays.

Key features:

  • The cabinet’s plastic top is quite durable. It’s simple to clean and keeps things quiet and insulated within.
  • This incubator comes with 6 egg trays in a variety of sizes.
  • The incubator can fit 1368 quail eggs, 288 chicken eggs, or 162 duck eggs.
  • A thermostat regulates the temperature in this incubator, which is set from 60 to 103 degrees Celsius.

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3. Best Multi-Use IncubatorCREWORKS Digital Egg Incubator


Product Ratings

Affordability 5/5
Serves Purpose 3/5
Ease of Use 2/5
Unique Design 4/5

What We Liked

  • Great for all-sized eggs
  • Built-in Candler
  • Quiet operation

What We Didn’t Like

  • Humidity control is slightly unreliable
  • Doesn’t always reach the optimal temperature

This incubator can be used for a wide range of eggs including chicken eggs.

Thermoelectricity is used for heating and cooling purposes, making the OrangeA incubator an excellent choice for those looking to buy an incubator.

It comes with a built-in power converter. It’s a great incubator with its ability to maintain a consistent temperature thanks to the built-in fan. 

So definitely take a look at this incubator if you want to hatch chicken eggs, quail eggs, or duck eggs!

Key features:

  • The incubator has an LED screen and a built-in light source, so the user can watch the subjects’ progress without disturbing them.
  • The egg loss can be reduced thanks to its precise cooling and heating capabilities.
  • Two movable sections on the incubator’s interior provide additional room for hatching eggs.
  • The incubator is easy to clean because of its durable exterior and simple shelves.

See Price on Amazon

Comparison Chart

Products Digital Sportsman Cabinet Incubator KEBONNIXS 12 Egg Incubator CREWORKS Digital Egg Incubator
Overall Rating 4.2/5 3.7/5 3.5/5
Affordability 2/5 4/5 5/5
Serves Purpose 5/5 4/5 3/5
Ease of Use 5/5 4/5 2/5
Unique Design 5/5 3/5 4/5

Choosing an Egg Incubator

Incubator Type

There are a variety of egg incubators on the market.

Manual controls are more common in lower-cost brands, which require more time and work from you.

More expensive models of incubators typically have automatic controls that handle the work for you, while cheaper models require the daily adjustment of humidity, temperature, and egg rotation.

Here’s a video that discusses the best temperatures for an incubator:

Incubator Size

A larger incubator can obviously hold a greater number of eggs. Investing in a bigger incubator is better if you intend to do things on a large scale.

Tabletop models are small enough to be carried around by one person, making them perfect for individuals who work on a smaller scale.

The amount of room in your house or other chosen site, coop, or barn should also be considered.

Larger incubators require a fair amount of space and energy, and if you have a tiny farm, you shouldn’t spring for anything too cumbersome.

Still Air vs Forced Air

If you want to be sure your incubated eggs have a good chance of success, choose an egg incubator with built-in ventilation.

The fan inside the forced air incubator helps circulate warm air, keeping it at a consistent temperature.

Still air incubators do not include a fan by default, unlike ventilated incubators.

This means that you have to keep an eye on the temperature a lot more and check the thermometer to ensure everything is going well.

A forced air incubator is the way to go if you want an automatic incubator with a built-in fan.

The automatic incubator keeps the programmed temperatures constant, and humidity levels acceptable for incubation.

Manual Rotation vs Automatic Rotation

Some models also have their own egg-turning system, which saves you a lot of time and awareness when it comes to constantly turning your eggs.

If you have a large number of eggs, we highly recommend an incubator that has automatic rotation, but if you have a smaller batch of eggs and don’t mind keeping track of yourself, then stick with an incubator that doesn’t include it.

Egg Type

If you want to incubate eggs, you need to buy an incubator that suits the type of egg.

Large, general-purpose incubators can fit chicken, goose, duck, and quail eggs.

However, less flexible and smaller incubators may only be able to handle one or two specific types of eggs.

Ask your supplier if the incubator is appropriate for the eggs you want to hatch.

Read our related article on How to Incubate Turkey Eggs – one of the largest eggs of domestic birds!

Ease of Use

While deciding on an incubator, it’s crucial to think about how easy it is to use. 

A more straightforward design usually has a higher success rate when hatching eggs.

Be sure to find one with clear instructions.

Humidity, temperature, airflow, and rotation can all be readily modified for the egg.

Autonomous incubators save time over manually operated ones because they are automated.


Another factor to consider is the cost of the incubator.

You can build your own DIY incubator at little to no cost, but you may need some know-how and you will definitely need to be more diligent and involved in the process.

Obviously, the larger the incubator and the more features, the higher the price.

You have to consider whether the size of your incubation operation is worth the investment.

Read our related article on the Best Duck Egg Incubator. Thinking of raising ducklings? These incubators are great choices!


Those are our top 3 cabinet incubators.

They are by no means the end of the line when it comes to cabinet incubators, but they stand out for us in terms of price, convenience, and application.

We hope this helped you to find your perfect egg-hatching machine.

Happy hatching!

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