Can you raise chickens and turkeys together? The answer to this question is a little bit complicated.
Chickens and turkeys are both poultry, but they have different needs that should be taken into account when deciding whether or not to raise them together.
This blog post will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of raising chickens and turkeys together.
We will also provide tips on making it work if you decide to go ahead with this combination!
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Can You Raise Chickens and Turkeys Together?
It’s perfectly possible to raise chickens and turkeys together, and there are a few different ways to do so.
One method is to keep the two groups of birds in separate sections of the very same coop – this way, the turkeys will have their own space to roost and nest.
Plus, the chickens will be able to access food and water without having to compete with the turkeys.
Another option is to keep the two types of birds in separate coops, with a secure fence between them.
This setup requires a bit more work, but it can be helpful if one group of birds tends to bully or scare the other.
Finally, it’s also possible to raise chickens and turkeys together in a free-range system, where they can roam around during the day but are kept in separate coops at night.
Whichever method you choose, it’s essential to ensure that both groups of birds have access to food, water, and shelter.
With proper care, chickens and turkeys can successfully live together in harmony.
Read More: Heated Poultry Waterer Top Fill. You’ll need a heated waterer in the winter months for your flock! Here are the best.
Benefits of Raising Chickens and Turkeys Together
There are many benefits to raising chickens and turkeys together:
Good for Winter Warmth
In cold weather, chickens huddle together for warmth, and their bodies generate heat that helps to keep the turkey eggs warm.
This arrangement benefits both animals and can help improve egg production in colder climates.
Helps Deter Predators
Chickens are very alert and will make much noise if they sense predators nearby, which makes for an easy escape if they hear predators beforehand.
Sometimes the birds making noise can scare off the predator before an escape plan is needed though.
Both animals are social creatures, and they enjoy being around other animals of their kind.
Having friends to interact with can help reduce stress levels and promote better health for chickens and turkeys.
Since both animals have similar housing and feeding requirements, it is often easier and cheaper to raise them together than it would be to maintain two separate flocks.
Read our related article, Can Geese and Chickens Be Kept Together? to see how these birds interact!
Disadvantages of Raising Chickens and Turkeys Together
Turkeys are highly likely to contract histomoniasis, also known as blackheads.
This disease is transmitted by a protozoan that contaminates the soil and water and can be fatal to turkeys.
Chickens are relatively resistant to blackheads but can still carry and transmit the disease.
This is one of the leading concerns when it comes to keeping turkeys and chickens together.
Food can be a bit of a problem as well. Turkeys need to eat more than chickens do.
Chickens and turkeys have different nutritional needs and will compete for food if raised together.
It might be beneficial to feed them in separate areas to avoid this issue.
Not every bird will get along with the next so you may have fights or sometimes the chickens can peck and be a nuisance to the turkeys.
Here’s more about raising chickens and turkeys together:
Read our related article, Can Turkeys and Ducks Live Together? See if these two birds can coexist!
How to Raise Chickens and Turkeys Together
You’ve decided to take the plunge and raise chickens and turkeys together.
Whether you have limited space, want to save money on feed, or think it would be fun to keep a mixed flock, there are a few things you need to know to make it work.
With a bit of planning and effort, you can successfully raise chickens and turkeys together and enjoy all the benefits of it.
Here are 4 tips for raising chickens and turkeys together:
Choose Suitable Breeds
Not all chicken breeds and turkey breeds are well-suited for living together.
Some chicken breeds are known for being docile and good-natured, while others can be more aggressive.
As for turkeys, some tend to be more laid back, while others are typically more high-strung.
When choosing your bird’s species, please do your research to ensure they will be compatible.
Read our related article on Black and White Chicken Breeds. These breeds are friendly and pretty!
Keep Them Fed and Hydrated
One of the most important things you can do when raising chickens and turkeys is to ensure they always have access to food and water.
Turkeys eat more than chickens, so you’ll need to adjust your feeding schedule accordingly.
It’s also essential to provide a variety of feed sources, such as grit and oyster shells for calcium or scratch grain for protein.
Be sure to clean and refill their water dishes regularly to prevent disease.
Provide Ample Space
Chickens and turkeys need plenty of room to roam, so it’s essential to have a coop or enclosure that is large enough for both birds.
A rule of thumb is to provide at least 10 square feet of space per bird.
If possible, create separate areas for sleeping, eating, and drinking so the birds can have their own space when needed.
Read our related article on Baby Turkeys where we cover how to feed and raise turkeys in-depth!
Monitor Their Health Closely
Because chickens and turkeys are different species, they are susceptible to diseases and parasites.
It’s essential to monitor your flock’s health closely to catch any problems early on.
If you notice any changes in your birds’ health, consult a veterinarian familiar with poultry ASAP.