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How Long Do Cows Live?

how long do cows live

Cows can live many years in their natural environment. But in agriculture, the lifespan of domesticated cows has to be shortened to meet their meat and milk production expectancy. Have you ever asked yourself: how long do cows live in each living environment? How Long Do Cows Live In The Wild? In the wild, cows […]

What Are Baby Turkeys Called?

What Are Baby Turkeys Called

Baby turkeys are incredibly soft, sensitive, and innocent birds. If you are a bird lover, you might ask some questions like “What are baby turkeys called?” or “How can I properly take care of these fragile creatures?”. This article will tell you more about some popular names of baby turkeys and share some important advice […]

Mahindra Vs Kubota Tractor: In-depth Comparison

Mahindra vs Kubota Tractors

Kubota and Mahindra are two competitive brands in tractor and agricultural equipment. Some people said that Mahindra tractors are superior to farmers who prefer heavy-duty farm equipment. Conversely, Kubota has also earned a lot of reputation for premium-quality compact and sub-compact tractors. So Mahindra vs Kubota – which is the better choice for farm tractors? […]

Top 7 Best Portable Generator For Home & Farm Use Reviews (2022 Updated)

Best Portable Generator for home & farm use reviews

Power outages result from sudden lightning strikes, thick ice buildups, or high wind. While waiting for the utility crews to come and restore the service, you should have the best portable generator for home & farm use on hand to run farm machines, tools, and heaters during a power outage. Choosing a portable generator is […]