Why Have My Chickens STOPPED Laying Eggs in Summer?

Up close of a brown chicken face

Why have my chickens stopped laying eggs in Summer?

It’s a common occurrence during the summer months, and there are several reasons why this might be happening.

This blog post will explore some of the most common reasons chickens stop laying eggs in the summertime.

We will also provide tips on how to get your chickens back to laying eggs regularly.

So, if you are curious about what might be causing your chickens’ egg-laying slump, read on!

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Reasons Why Your Chickens Stopped Laying Eggs

chicken sitting with chicks
Chickens are temperature-sensitive animals that need to be kept at a comfortable range in order for them to be healthy and happy.

If you’ve noticed your chickens aren’t laying eggs like they used to, it could be due to the following reasons.

The Heat is Too Much for Your Chickens

If you’ve noticed your chickens aren’t laying eggs as frequently in the summer months, it’s not just because they’re taking a break.

The heat can be too much for them, and they may stop laying eggs altogether.

Chickens are most comfortable between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, but they can withstand temperatures up to 95 degrees for short periods.

However, when the temperature gets too high, chickens start to pant, and their combs and wattles turn red.

It’s their way of cooling off, but they will eventually stop laying eggs if they can’t get enough relief.

You can help your chickens stay cool by providing plenty of water and shade.

You might also consider using a fan or Misto to keep them cool.

Read our related article, What Temperature is too Hot for Chickens? We share a chart with the best temperatures for chickens of different ages.

Your Chickens Are Molting

Molting is a natural process that all chickens go through, and it usually occurs once a year.

During molting, chickens lose their old feathers and grow new ones.

This process can last for several weeks, and chickens may stop laying eggs during this time.

Molting is demanding on a chicken’s body, and they need extra nutrients to grow new feathers.

As a result, they may reduce their egg production or stop laying eggs altogether.

Here’s a video showing a bit about the molting process in chickens:

Chicken owners can help their molting chickens by providing them with extra food and water and by keeping them warm and dry.

Read More: What is a Chicken Tractor Coop? Chicken tractors can be moved from one part of the yard to another to fertilize your grass naturally. Learn more!

Chickens Are Not Getting Enough Food or Water

chicken with chicks in grass
Keeping up with your chickens means ensuring they have the proper resources to be fed and kept warm or cool in the proper environments.

Why have my chickens stopped laying eggs in summer? One possibility is that they are not getting enough food or water.

Chickens need a balanced diet to stay healthy and produce eggs, so ensure they have access to plenty of fresh, clean water and nutritious chicken feed.

In hot weather, chickens will also appreciate shady areas where they can escape the heat.

If your chickens are free-range, make sure there is still enough food and water available in their range.

Scratching around in the dirt uses a lot of energy, so they will need more food than usual to maintain their laying schedule.

Ask your veterinarian for advice if you’re unsure whether your chickens are getting enough to eat.

Read More: How Many Chickens Should You Have? If you’re wondering how many chickens you need to produce adequate eggs, this guide is for you!


Chickens are particularly susceptible to heat stress, one of the poultry’s leading causes of death.

One of the main reasons why chickens stop laying eggs in summer is because of the heat.

The hens’ body temperature rises, affecting their ability to produce eggs.

In some cases, the hens may stop laying eggs altogether.

If you think your chickens are suffering from heat stress, it is important to seek veterinary advice immediately.

There are many ways to prevent heat stress, such as ensuring that the chickens have access to shade and plenty of water.

Your Chickens Are Sick

Keeping chickens safe and healthy is the number one priority of any chicken owner, so make sure they have proper food, and water, and watch out for signs of sickness.

If you’ve noticed your chickens are lethargic, not eating, and not laying eggs, there’s a chance they might be sick.

Here are some signs that your chickens might be sick:

  • Lethargy: Chickens that are normally active and playful may suddenly seem sluggish and listless.
  • Loss of appetite: A sick chicken may stop eating altogether or may only pick at its food.
  • Change in stool: Sick chickens may have watery or bloody diarrhea.
  • Breathing difficulties: Chickens with respiratory infections may gasp for air or make loud respiratory noises.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take your chickens to the vet as soon as possible.

Read More: What Time of Day Do Chickens Lay Their Eggs? Collecting eggs at the right time can prevent cracked or dirty eggs!

Change in Diet

Another simple answer is that their diet has changed.

Chickens typically eat more in the summer as they are trying to stay cool and build up their energy reserves for molting.

This means that they need more protein and other nutrients than they do in the winter.

As a result, their diet needs to be adjusted accordingly.

Various factors can contribute to a change in diet, including the type of food available, the time of year, and the activity level.

By carefully monitoring your chickens’ diet, you can ensure they remain healthy and productive throughout the year.

Read More: Why Do Chickens Lay Unfertilized Eggs? Learning more about chickens and how they lay their eggs can help you get the best quality eggs.


Chickens usually lay eggs year-round, but there may be several reasons why they stop laying eggs in the summer.

Some of these reasons could include too much heat, changes in their diet, or increased stress levels.

If your chickens have stopped laying eggs, try adjusting their living conditions or changing their diet to see if that encourages them to start laying eggs again.

If you’ve tried all these things and your chickens are still not laying eggs, it may be time to call a professional.

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