What is a group of Quail called?
Flocks, bevies, and coveys are all used to refer to a group of quail. A flock is often used to describe a sizable number of birds, although the words “bevy” and “covey” are more precise. A covey is a collection of tiny game birds like quails, but the traditional name for a group of quail is a bevy.
Let’s take a look at quails and what the appropriate terminology is for a group of them.
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Common Collective Names of Quail

Are you curious about the various names for Quail? Here are some common collective titles for birds to satisfy your curiosity.
A flock is the most used term to describe a large group of birds, especially when in flight. It’s a broad term and can apply to a variety of animals including goats and sheep. If you’re looking to be specific when describing a group of quail, the following terms are more applicable.
A group of Quail is also called a covey, as experts in domestic and poultry breeding would say. In this context, the term was used to designate a tiny family of birds, such as partridges or quails. This term is usually applied to various species of Bobwhite Quail.
The name “bevy” is a specific term that’s used to describe a group of Quail. The origin of the term “bevy” (Bevee) is in relation to the term, “drink.” Quails, which assemble in large groups to drink water, suit the term “bevy,” which, according to the Oxford Dictionary, means a drinking session.
Queer of Quail
When Quail are ready to mate in the winter and form a flock, this is referred to as a queer of Quail. The birds prefer to be around others of their kind at this time for safety in numbers.
Drift of Quail
The word “drift” is not commonly used, but you can still use it to communicate a group of quails. In English, “drift” refers to movement through a fluid medium like air or water. Quails often glance up as they are lifted into the sky in groups. Maybe a flock of quails is called a “drift” because of this connection to the wind.
Read our related article, How Old Are Quail When They Fly? Find out when baby quails leave the nest, how fast quails fly, and for how long!
What is the Plural for Quail?
Both Quail and Quails sound like the appropriate pluralization of quail, and both are actually an accurate way to refer to multiple quail. FUN FACT: To quail is also a verb that means to “show your fear in a way that is clear to see.”
This reflects the typical behavior of a quail as being quick to fear and flight, which makes sense since they are small birds that are the target of many predatory animals.
Read our related article where we review the best Incubator for Quail Eggs to help you grow your bevy!
What is a Group of Baby Quail Called?

Seeing a juvenile quail, or “little Bevy,” is quite a sight. They emit beautiful sounds that echo through the air like a song. There’s no officially-recognized name for them. Here are some examples of names given to juvenile quails:
- Brood
- Clutch
- Chicks
- Offspring
In the poultry business, young birds are known as poults. Their appearance is quite similar to that of newborn chicks.
Read More: How to Care for Quail Babies. Here’s a COMPLETE guide covering what you need to know to raise healthy and happy quail chicks!
Why is Quail Called a Game Bird?
Quails are one of the most hunted wild birds, which is why they’re referred to as game birds. Quails are hunted for sport, but also for their meat.
These animals are also raised and kept captive in an environment designed to make them docile, easy-to-tame pets.
They are available all year round because Quail do not reproduce at particular times of the year.
Here’s a sneak peek into the life of a wild California Quail:
Do Quail Always Live in Groups?
Like many other birds, Quails do not like to spend their time alone, but rather enjoy socializing in pairs.
During the mating season, they form bevies that can range in size from 8 to 25 birds. Quails are an outgoing species, and when they are kept alone for a lengthy time, they become depressed and anxious.
Read More: When Will Quail Start Laying Eggs? Here’s when quails usually start to lay and easy tips and tricks you can implement for healthy and regular egg laying!
Flock, covey, and bevy are the most frequent collective nouns for a flock of Quail. If you found this article helpful, please share it with others who may find it useful. Leave a comment below if you know of other group names for quails so we can add them to the list!
" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the Plural for Quail?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Both Quail and Quails sound like the appropriate pluralization of quail, and both are actually an accurate way to refer to multiple quail.
" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is a Group of Baby Quail Called?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Seeing a juvenile quail, or \"little Bevy,\" is quite a sight. They emit beautiful sounds that echo through the air like a song.
There's no officially-recognized name for them.
Here are some examples of names given to juvenile quails:
- Brood
- Clutch
- Chicks
- Offspring
In the poultry business, young birds are known as poults. Their appearance is quite similar to that of newborn chicks.
" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Do Quail Always Live in Groups?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Like many other birds, Quails do not like to spend their time alone, but rather enjoy socializing in pairs.
During the mating season, they form bevies that can range in size from 8 to 25 birds.
Quails are an outgoing species, and when they are kept alone for a lengthy time, they become depressed and anxious.
" } }] }