It’s a common misconception that all chickens lay either brown or white eggs. In reality, there are many different colors of eggs that other chicken breeds can lay. So, what chickens lay white eggs? Keep reading to find out!
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What Chickens Lay White Eggs and Why

- Leghorn
- Ancona
- Russian Orloff
Different Types of Chicken Breeds That Lay White Eggs
Some of the most popular breeds include:Ameraucana
Ameraucana chickens are a relatively new breed developed in the 1970s in the United States. These birds are known for their blue eggs, but some Ameraucanas also lay white eggs. Ameraucanas are typically blue, black, or splash colored.Ancona
The Ancona is an Italian breed of chicken known for its mottled plumage. Anconas can lay either white or brown eggs, but most lay white eggs.Andalusian
The Andalusian is a Spanish breed of chicken named for the region of Spain where it originated. Andalusians are dual-purpose birds that are used for meat and eggs. Andalusians typically lay white or cream-colored eggs.Barred Plymouth Rock
The Barred Plymouth Rock is an American breed of chicken developed in the 19th century. Barred Plymouth Rocks are one of the most common backyard chicken breeds known for their docile temperaments and egg-laying abilities. Most Barred Plymouth Rocks lay brown eggs, but some may lay white eggs. Here is a video showing some different types of chicken breeds and the colored eggs that they lay: Read More: What Time of Day Do Chickens Lay Their Eggs? Know when to collect eggs with this guide!How to Care for Chickens
When choosing what chicken to get for your backyard flock, one factor you may consider is what color eggs the chicken will lay. White egg-laying chickens are some of the most popular choices for backyard flocks, as they are known for being prolific layers of giant, beautiful eggs. If you are thinking about adding a white egg layer to your community, here are a few things to keep in mind regarding care and maintenance:- Give your chicken a high-quality diet. A diet rich in protein and calcium will help your chicken produce solid eggshell shells. You can find specially formulated feeds for egg-laying chickens at your local farm store.
- Ensure that your chicken has access to clean, fresh water. A chicken needs around one gallon of water daily, so check the water dispenser regularly and top it off as needed.
- Provide your chicken with a clean and spacious living area. Chickens like to have plenty of room to move around, so make sure the coop is large enough for your flock and is cleaned out regularly.
Recipes for Dishes Made With White Eggs

Egg Drop Soup
This simple soup is made by boiling chicken broth and whisking in beaten eggs. The eggs will cook in the hot broth, creating ribbons of protein.Scrambled eggs
Scrambled eggs are a classic breakfast dish made with any egg. To make them extra fluffy, add a splash of milk or cream to the beaten eggs before cooking.Omelet
An omelet is a French dish that can be filled with various ingredients, from cheese and ham to vegetables and herbs. Be sure to get a good flipping technique down before attempting this dish!Hollandaise sauce
This rich sauce is made with butter, egg yolks, and lemon juice. It’s often served over steak or fish but can also be used as a dipping sauce for vegetables or bread.Tips On How to Store Eggs Properly
There are many ways to keep eggs, but some methods are better than others. Here are a few tips on how to keep eggs, so they stay fresh longer:- Store eggs in the refrigerator. The temperature inside the fridge is ideal for keeping eggs fresh.
- Place eggs in an egg carton or lined box. This will help to protect them from bumps and to jostle.
- Keep eggs away from strong odors. Eggs are very porous and can absorb smells from their environment. Store them in a spot where they won’t be exposed to solid aromas, such as near the garbage can or spice rack.
- Check eggs for cracks before storing them. Cracked eggs will spoil more quickly than unbroken ones.