Category Archives: Goat

How Much Milk Does A Goat Produce?

How Much Milk Does A Goat Produce

Having goats on a farm is kind of joy and happiness to a lot of farmers as they are playful, curious and very intelligent. Raising goats for milk is an absolutely amazing investment as the nutrient in goat milk is known to be better than cow milk. So, how much milk does a goat produce? […]

What Does Goat Taste Like?

Nowadays, the goat is the most widely consumed red meat. Have you ever tried it before and wondered what does goat taste like? If not yet, this article is written to enlighten meat eaters and introduce them to another alternative which does not only taste good but also is rich in essential nutrients. Goat is […]

How Long Do Goats Live?

For a farmer or an owner that would like to invest in a farm, goats are one of the popular cattle chosen because of their adorable outlook as well as what they can bring about. Known as a land cleaner, goats are also the entertainer to a lot of farmers. If given proper care, farmers […]

Can Goats Eat Potatoes?

Upon having a shortage of supply for goats, farmers or producers begin to seek for an alternative. One of the options is potatoes. Some people think that it’s not possible to feed your goats with potatoes, however, some farmers in favor of potatoes agree with the idea of having them as a backup plan. So, […]

Can Goats Eat Chocolate?

can goats eat chocolate

There are many myths and questions about goat eating habits and “can goats eat chocolate” is one of them. If you are a farmer or simply curious about goats, this is a must-read article as it will debunk such myths and provide you with basic knowledge about goat digestion and the food they can consume.  […]