Eradicating the population of mosquitoes and other flying insects might take you days to do. If you are still finding a method to kill these biting bugs around the house, a simple solution is getting yourself the best outdoor mosquito trap.
Below are the reviews of 6 best-rated mosquito traps on the market with its specific feature and usage. Other information about what to consider before making a purchase and notices when using will also be included.
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Top 6 Best Outdoor Mosquito Trap 2022
6 Top-rated Backyard Mosquito Traps Reviews
#1 Flowtron BK-15D Electronic Insect Killer
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This Flowtron trap is one of the best-rated insect killer ever.
It gives the best result when used for a ½-acre radius of mosquito coverage and powered by a 15-watt bulb. But if you want to widen the area, there is an optional Octenal attractant to add on.
Also, it is constructed of weatherproof polycarbonate, so it will not rust, crack, or fade when hanging outside.
To optimize its effectiveness, it should be hung at least 25 ft away from your house (never hang it beside the place you want to sit), and behind or in front of something that can block the wind. Wherever the place is, it must be visual so that its light can attract the bugs.
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#2 Flowtron FC8800 Fly Control Device
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This is another product for those who are fans of the Flowtron manufacturer. But unlike the previous one, this model is for both outdoor and indoor use.
It can attract mosquitoes in a pretty large area – up to 2 acres, which makes it really ideal for barns and commercial applications such as trash receptacles.
The tray that collects dead insects is removable, hence, the cleaning task becomes easier.
The light attractant is safe if it is placed near your pets and children, and of course indoor. The light is soft but bright enough to light up the entire area in front of a garage, so it can draw in insects for a mile away.
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#3 Dynatrap Pole Mount Trap
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This model is suitable for a small area of mosquito (up to ½ acre), like a flower garden, or the small back yard.
Not to be hung, or placed directly on the ground, it is mounted on a pole that stands upright on any flat surface. Both the small size and the unique shape make it look like a “little light post” when placed in front of your house.
There are 4 ways of protection in this trap: warm UV bulb, CO2 released from titanium dioxide-coated surface, vacuum fan, and especially a water tray. This water tray is to attract egg-laying insects which means to kill from the eggs, not just the mature insects.
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#4 Dynatrap DT1050 Mosquito Trap
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When it comes to a mosquito trap that can be used both indoors and outdoors, this Dynatrap model is also a good choice.
This trap is equipped with 2 attractant systems: the UV light to generate heat, and the CO2 released from the titanium dioxide-coated surface. The level of CO2 is small, which is safe when used in enclosed spaces such as in the garage, pantry, sunroom, and so on.
The vacuum fan is one of the most outstanding features. Yes, it draws the insects quietly, hence causes no noise, buzzing, or zapping. This is the thing that I like most. Honestly, I can’t stand a machine that makes the continuously buzzing sounds for a month, a week, or even just a day.
This trap is small, and portable but still can protect an area up to 300 sq ft. But remember to follow the instruction to get the best result in eliminating the mosquito population.
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#5 Mega-Catch MCU-910 Ultra Pro Mosquito Trap
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If you have a pretty large area to be protected from mosquitoes, this Mega-Catch Ultra Pro is a suitable choice. Well, for me, this is the best backyard mosquito trap!
For more details, this is such a powerful mosquito trap as it can cover up to 1.5 acres. Also, it has sensory signals that lure biting insects from far away of 150 feet (45.7 m).
What is more, the revolutionary Mosquito Attracting Stimuli (MAS) settings with numerous options help to increase the effectiveness as it can target specific insect species. Or, if you don’t know which mosquito species are troubling you, just use the one-touch option.
Check this in-depth Mega-Catch Mosquito trap reviews here!
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#6 Mosquito Magnet MM4200B Patriot Trap
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If you would like a brand name mosquito trap, this is the cheapest model of Mosquito Magnet traps.
It can only be used outdoor with the coverage area up to 1 acre. It can start working immediately after plugging it in, so you don’t need to wait for the “warm-up”. But, please remember that significant results can’t be seen right after then, but at least 7 or 10 days.
It operates silently while emitting the CO2, heat, and moisture to lure and pull the biting insects. The dead insects, then, will fall into a self-contained rigid net which helps you easily in the disposal.
You don’t need to hang it on, just place it somewhere on your property. Don’t worry as the construction is really durable and weather resistant.
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Considerations for buying an outdoor mosquito trap
You should not be in a rush purchase but carefully consider when choosing a mosquito trap. Some factors to be looked through are as follows.
1. Trap location
Where the trap is placed can affect the final result. An indoor trap will make no use when put outside the house or open spaces.
Also, to get a better result, the trap should be put in places where mosquitoes often travel or live such as the shade, not the place where people are often crowded.
2. Maintenance
All the machines need proper maintenance to work well. So, this is just the key factor.
You should take a mosquitoes trap which is easy to clean and in shape. If you have no worries about the electrical models, just go with it. Otherwise, go with a fuel-dependent mosquitoes trap if you have more confidence in this type.
3. Attractants for different mosquito species
Each type of attractant system has different effects on different mosquitoes species. There are over 3,500 species of this biting insect over the world. And, they differ in habits and tastes!
So, you should choose a trap with a suitable attractant system to have the best result.
4. Your budget
Of course, the price and your budget also contribute to which trap you can take. Some models are a bit costly and the running expense may be high.
You should bear in mind that you might have to use this outdoor mosquito trap for a long period, as I mentioned so far that significant changes can be seen after operating 6 to 8 weeks. This means you have to pay more for the electricity bill and replace CO2 cylinders during this period.
The traps that use propane systems usually have higher running costs than others.
Types of mosquito traps
There are a number of methods to capture the mosquitoes. Some can cost more energy to work, while some can be noisier. Details of these capturing methods will be mentioned below.
1. Vacuum trap
In this method, no matter how mosquitoes are lured to the trap, they are all captured and held. A silent vacuum is used to attract mosquitoes into the chamber. Once they are in, they slowly become dehydrated and finally die.
The most important advantage of this trap is that there is no need for chemicals to kill off the bugs. So, it is non-toxic and can be used safely to your children and pets.
2. Fan trap
Many people have made DIY fan traps to capture and hold mosquitoes. It works by creating enormous air pressure of a certain area to suck the bugs into a room from which they can’t escape.
Compared to the previous trap, this one is much noisier and leads to airflow in undesired areas. But this is a much more powerful way to eliminate different types of flying-biting insects.
As it uses no chemicals, pesticides, or strong scents, a fan trap is also safe for your children and pets.

3. Electrical grids
Unlike the 2 previous types, electrical grids kill mosquitoes immediately. When insects touch electrical grids that are highly-charged, the high voltage will kill them instantly.
This type of trap is easy to clean and maintain as there is a tray to hold dead mosquitoes.
As it uses electric but harmful chemicals, it is environmentally friendly and can be used safely indoors.
However, it needs an electrical outlet to operate, which means it can only work in places that are accessible to your extension wire.
Furthermore, once fully-charged, the surface might be painful for children and pets to touch. So, you have to keep an eye when using it near your kids and pets. Or, you can choose the model that has a protective barrier to prevent someone from touching it.
Types of mosquito attractants
1. Lighting
This type uses a light system that flashes frequently to attract mosquitoes. The flashlight in some models may be visible to human naked eyes while others may be invisible (ultraviolet light).
Normally, a flashlight solution is not a primary way to attract mosquitoes. It is used as a secondary attractant to Heat, Octenol, or CO2 system to more accurately draw mosquitoes to where the trap is placed.
2. Octenol
Octenol is one of the ways to attract biting insects. It was first discovered as a byproduct of research in cows sleeping sickness.
It is a chemical that is known to be very attractive to mosquitoes. Hence, a device that releases Octenol can draw lots of biting insects.
Yet mosquitoes’ visual senses are very primitive, they still find people – their “prey” relying on scent and heat detection. So, using Octenol seems to be a more effective way to pull these insects.
You might worry a bit to know it is a chemical, but the fact is that octenol is safe to humans and the environment.
3. Lurex
This is a mixture of lactic acids and other substances. These compositions are mixed in a specific ratio to attract Asian tiger mosquitoes, a breed that is commonly found in southern states.
4. CO2 system
Mosquitoes target humans via our breath which contains mostly CO2. Based on this characteristic, the CO2 attractant system is made.
It fools these biting insects into thinking these emissions are of human breath. Then, they follow the emission and lure into the trap.
5. Propane systems
When propane is burned, it generates CO2. The propane is stored in propane tanks that have limited amounts of fuel. Hence, to keep this system working continuously, you might have to replace propane tanks regularly.
And, because of gas burning, it should only be used outdoors. Under no circumstances for indoor use of this system.
6. Heat systems
Besides the CO2 in human breath, mosquitoes also target people by the heat we generate. So, here comes the heat attractant system.
This system replicates the temperature of our body to fool those insects. Typically, the heat source is placed close to the trap.
Reading till this point, you may notice that the propane method includes not only the CO2 system but also the heat attractant. Yes, it is! Using both systems can make it more effective but it does have considerable disadvantages as mentioned above.
Difference between outdoor and indoor traps
Not all the traps are used both indoors and outdoors, but some are only for indoor use while others are only for outside. Normally, the indoors are not weather-resistant and often have smaller sizes. In contrast, the others, which are usually bigger, use higher levels of CO2. More differences between these 2 types are as follows.
1. Outdoor mosquito traps
For an outdoor trap, its aim is to reduce the number of female mosquitoes in a certain area. Fewer female insects lead to a lower rate of reproduction. Finally, the population of this biting bug will be eradicated.
But, if you live near water, remember that this is not an instant solution. It does take time to eliminate those hating bugs. Mostly it takes about 6 to 8 weeks to see any important changes.
An outdoor trap should be powerful and lure mosquitoes from long distances, i.e 300 feet or so on. Also, it should withstand different types of weather conditions.
2. Indoor mosquito traps
Placed in the house or barn where the number of insects is limited, the trap should be just small in order not to narrow the space yet still effective.
When triggering it, you should close all doors and windows. After an hour or so, the mosquitoes will be clear. But if you let the space open, the result is reversed.
Although this type of trap is cheaper and portable, it is just a short-term way to control a limited number of flying bugs.
Tips for using mosquito traps
So, there are lots of things to know, right? To help you not frustrated anymore, all information relating to using a mosquito trap is summarized as follows.
1. Pick your ideal trap
You can base on 4 factors mentioned above to choose the best mosquito trap for your house. If the outside area is pretty large, you can choose a decent-sized trap or several units to ensure no insects can fly into your house.
2. Identify the mosquito species
Knowing what species of insects to kill means you already have a 70% chance to win. Based on the characteristics or preferences of that insect species, you have suitable plans to successfully defeat them.
3. Place the trap in the right location
People often have mistakes in deciding where to put the trap. Though the trap can still pull mosquitoes wherever it is, the result might not be optimal if the location is wrong.
A perfect place for the trap is somewhere that does not get much traffic, near the water source, and is mainly covered in shade.
4. Be patient for the result
Don’t expect the result in 1 hour or 1 day. Slowly will you see the population of mosquitoes decreasing. After a month or so, you might be surprised to find how effective the trap is.
5. Set up the time for the best result
It is more effective to set up the trap at the time before the insects become active. Ideally, the sunset and sunrise are these 2 peak periods.
1. What are the mosquito traps?
A mosquito trap, also known as a mosquito magnet, an insect killer, is a device that fools the insects to think that this is a warm-blooded animal.
Mosquitoes detect humans by tiny chemicals or heat that we release. The trap has an attractant system that can lure mosquito to fly toward and then get trapped.
It is a machine that mimics our bodies really accurately.
2. How do mosquito traps work?
Mosquitoes are attracted to the trap, then fallen into it, and finally, die because of dehydration and starvation.
These insects detect the CO2, the heat, or the light that is produced from the trap and fly to the trap, and die because of dehydration.
3. Do I need extra fuel or insecticide when buying a mosquito trap?
The answer is yes and no.
The trap that has light attractant use electricity. So, there is no need for extra fuel, just need plugging to operate.
Meanwhile, you might need to replace the fuel cylinders for other traps that use CO2 or propane attractant system.
You don’t really need to buy insecticide for a mosquito trap. But, if you can combine a traditional trap with a spray, you may have better performance.
With all the information above, I’m sure you have already had a better understanding of everything related to a mosquito trap. You have known what an attractant is, how to choose a good one, how to use it for getting the best performance as well as the reviews of 6 best outdoor mosquito traps.
Personally, I highly recommend the fifth one – Mega Catch Ultra Pro Mosquito Trap. It is such a powerful trap, good for either inside or outside the house, able to work on a large range, and especially can aim to specific mosquito species.
Get one for you, and take time to enjoy the garden with no ugly biting insects!