We all love living with a cockerel around. However, ever wonder for how long will these feathered friends company with you, especially for some breeds like bantam chickens? How long do roosters live? The length of a male chicken life depends on many factors. If you’re planning to pet a rooster, you need to answer […]
Many baby goats find it challenging when it comes to weaning. However, you can make this time less stressful for goat kids by well-prepared beforehand. First, you need to answer: When to wean goats? When and how to wean gets a huge impact on young goats. It may affect their health and the ability to […]
We do know that goats have an extremely sensitive digestive system. There are some caveats about what goats should and should not eat as they are not able to identify poisonous food and often try consuming everything in front of their eyes. A question that gets discussed about goat feed is “can goats eat strawberries”. […]
Let me ask you this, do chickens have ears? Don’t rush. Think thoroughly then give me the answer. If your answer is anything but yes, take your time with us to find out in this article. Do chickens have ears? Yes, they do. Chicken ears are on the side of their face. They’re generally concealed […]
Dairy products by far have an essential part of our life, and I’m sure we all have to thank the cows for that. It all starts with the milking, by hand, or by machine to get the very first and most important ingredient – milk. So, does milking a cow hurt the cow? Well, grab […]
Even though turkeys and chickens belong to the same group of animals, there are so many differences between them, especially in housing and pasture fencing needs. One of the stark differences is the places that they roost. So, where do turkeys sleep? We do believe this piece of information benefits both a turkey hunter and […]
You might think chickens are very simple and understandable animals. However, there are so many myths about how they eat, poop, and sleep. Some questions can be easily answered through observations but some are not that easy to be understood. “How do chickens pee?” is one of the queries. The information relating to chicken urinate […]
Have you ever wondered if there are any rules among different animals’ relationships and the way they cooperate to live peacefully together? More specifically, can goats and dogs live together? Sometimes it could really make us worry if they have any difficulties in dealing with it. If you are curious about this issue, check out […]
As an owner or a farmer, we always want our animals to be at the best condition possible. Chickens, at this point, has no difference. Asking how much do chickens weigh at first might seem like a simple question that just needs a simplistic answer, like a number or two. However, digging deeper into what […]
You may find it overwhelming by the number of options and the amount of knowledge when it comes to feeding your geese. Do geese eat fish? They live on the water so why wouldn’t they? Are they herbivores? We got all that covered in this article. As we know that learning what the basic needs […]