What Do BABY Geese Look Like?

Two grey goslings in greenery

What do baby geese look like? A lot of people don’t get the pleasure of seeing a baby goose or even knowing what one looks like. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the appearance of baby geese and some of the different types you may encounter.

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What Do Baby Geese Look Like?

Most people are familiar with seeing a mother goose leading her goslings in a neat single-file line, but what do these babies look like when they hatch? For starters, they are pretty small, usually measuring only about 10 inches long and weighing less than a pound. They are also covered in downy feathers that are typically gray, black, or yellow.  Perhaps the most distinctive feature of baby geese is their bill, which is yellow and slightly bulbous-looking. This contrasts with the adult goose, whose bill is longer and more slender. Baby geese also have webbed feet, which help them swim and paddle around in the water. Here’s a list of features to watch out for that might indicate that it’s a baby goose:
  • Small size
  • Gray, yellow, or black fuzzy feathers
  • Yellow bill
  • Webbed feet
  • Typically following mom in a neat line
Here’s a video showing how a baby goose goes from an egg to a goose:

Read More: What is a Young Turkey Called? Learn about other baby birds here!

How Big Are Baby Geese?

Baby geese, or goslings, are born weighing about 4 to 6 ounces. Their downy feathers keep them warm, and their long necks and legs help them to swim. Goslings are precocial, meaning they can walk and swim shortly after birth. Most goslings are born in late spring or early summer. They are born very small but they grow quite quickly once they are born. By the time they are 2 weeks old, they have usually doubled in size. They also begin to lose their downy feathers and grow their adult feathers at this age. By the time they are 4 months old, they have reached their full adult size. Adult geese can range from 2.5 to 4 feet tall and weigh 4 to 14 pounds. The largest species of goose is the goliath goose, which can weigh up to 20 pounds. The smallest species is the pygmy goose, which only weighs 2 pounds. Given their wide range in size, it’s no wonder that baby geese come in all shapes and sizes! Read More: How to Attract Canada Geese to Your Pond. Geese can liven up your pond. Attract them with these tips!

What Do Baby Geese Eat?

baby goose with adult goose by a pond
Baby geese are usually fed by their parents until they’re able to search for food themselves. They start foraging themselves very early on though.
Goslings will begin to explore their surroundings shortly after hatching and eat plants and small insects. Goslings typically eat a variety of grasses, leaves, and other plants and their seeds. As they grow older, goslings gradually transition to a diet of mostly plant life and larger animals. By the time they are fully grown, geese eat fish, and will typically consume a diet of 85% vegetation and 15% animal protein.

Do Both Parents Feed Baby Geese?

Both goose parents are quite involved in caring for baby geese. The female obviously will lay the eggs, but both parents will incubate the eggs and both parents will teach and feed the young once they’re hatched. Typically the dad will help with showing the goslings how to search for and eat food. For the mating season and until the gosling is old enough, the parents will care for them together. So yes, both parents work to feed and care for the baby geese. Read More: What to Feed Baby Chickens After Hatching. If you’re raising goslings, their diet is similar in captivity to chicks! Learn more.

Difference Between a Gosling and a Duckling

geese in water with their goslings
While goslings and ducklings may look similar, they aren’t the same species of bird.
Goslings and ducklings are both baby waterfowl but are not the same species. Goslings are baby geese, while ducklings are baby ducks. The most apparent difference between the two is their size. Goslings are much larger than ducklings, and they grow up to be much larger birds. Goslings also have longer necks and legs than ducklings, and their beaks are more curved.

Final Thoughts

Overall, baby geese are adorable and you may be able to spot them following their mother. Typically you can tell a gosling apart from another baby bird by the specific features it has. Regardless, it’s always a pleasure to see these adorable little babies!

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